Monday, June 19, 2006
i'm not doing anything
some of you all are probably tired of hearing that.since my class is online & i have no other commitments this summer, i really haven't been doing anything all day. Watching judge shows & procrastinating. Well,that was until I got my bike.
Koku's situation is the same.. we were actually talking about getting jobs just so we have a reason to wake up. Then it occured to me that I could get a bike & we could ride around Brooklyn all day. Well, I did. And we have. And thats really all I've done in the last week. It's probably all I'll do until later this summer.
It's been great fun. I got it on thursday & since it was my first time on a bike in maybe 10 years, I was looking a little stupid at first. You know the expression, "it's like riding a bike", something that means you can't forget how to do it. Well, thats a motherfuckin lie. But, I had to remember quick cause we were at a busy intersection as soon as we stepped on the street. I did pick it up relatively fast and we rode to Williamsburg, maybe 2 miles away, and had mexican.
Then Friday we had some crazy notion we could ride out to Manhattan Beach (in Southern Brooklyn, close to Coney Island) which was 8 miles away. It actually wasn't even a terrible ride. We made it in maybe 2-3 hours, but whose counting.

We didn't get there until 7 & the sun was already going down. Operation tan:unsuccessful.
There were so many shells on that beach. The only other beachs I have to compare it to are those on the gulf of mexicoin the yucatan & the atlantic in the same area, virginia beach & those in southern florida. Oh & in south carolina. Never before have I seen so many organisms on the shore but perhaps it had something to do with the tide level. I'm really not a fan of that shit though because there's no telling rather or not something is alive.. Like, I'm totally apprehensive about picking up shells because there may be something in that bitch. Eww!
Anyway, here's more pictures from our day.

lauren alyse belle at 4:50 PM
- at 8:55 PM lauren alyse belle said...
get one and ride out with the homies!