Sunday, June 04, 2006
i just had to post about this
my laptop's battery charger is fucked, so I haven't really been online.but, as you know, i've been enjoying the luxury of cable lately. something i've been without for nearly a year now. so, really this just means that i'm spending hours upon hours watching mtv hits. (i absolutely love parental control, btw)
anyway, a couple of months ago this girl I know from high school contacted me via & was saying how all of my traveling & new life impressed her & she ended it with something like "everytime I see gwen stefani's 'luxurious' I'm reminded of you." Of course I didn't think anything of it because I hadn't seen any videos, especially none from culturevulturestefani.. and I have a problem adapting to this century.. I simply don't watch videos online. Denis clowns me for it because I'm always like "I haven't seen that video" as if it's not just a .com away.
I say all that to say Luxurious is the worst video ever.
I'm utterly offended.
I should cuss her out.
just kidding but not really
anyway, i have some what of an update..
a mentor/professor/advisor of mine informed me that my status won't be determined and finalized until august because so many of the committee members are on vacation. so, even though they probably will kick me out I have a couple months to worry about rent. They like to throw away $.
So, i'll be in limbo for a while but it's okay, one thing is for certain I can't stay hurr. Ohio is cool for 3 day vacations & definately made me who I am today..but nah homey.
besides, deluge has been staying in my apartment roomsitting & has apparently managed to squeeze in custom artwork on my wall, of course when he's not too busy having more fun/friends/freeshit/life than me and i've been there for a year, and when he's not scaring my boyfriend off by telling him too be careful, the girl has art of war* beside her bed. i'm just playing. i'm feeling very grateful to be blessed with punchdouble designs in my place. it'll make staying around worth it.
ok, i'm off to watch more mtv.
*addenum- i have a loved one who often doubts me. it tends to frustrate me to no end because he'll disagree with me or find fault in issues or topics that I KNOW i'm right about. Like, when I said "myriad things" was just as correct, if not moreso than "a myriad of". Or when I told him "Uchenna" is a unisex name. Again when he said he wanted to learn swahili so responded " Habari gani" & he immediately replies, I don't even know what you said or what it means but I know you pronounced it wrong...Despite my familiarity with all things pseudo afrocentric kwanzaa-esque, including that phrase.The most recent argument was over the art of war. I made the distinction, stating that the copy deluge referred to was Sun Tzu, as opposed to machiavelli & he's like, i know he wrote the prince. As if that disqualified him from writing anything else.
Anyway, the point of t

(i still love you,lol)
lauren alyse belle at 9:00 PM
- at 3:55 AM aflakete the wunderkid said...
ok, you win...
i still say the way you pronounced the "R" was un-bantu, but you know.. that's just my opinion..
lol- at 8:58 AM lauren alyse belle said...
well, koku, who speaks swahili, confirms that i said it correctly.
so, whenever you're ready for your lessons we can start.