Monday, May 08, 2006
I'm having a pretty rotten day
I thought after watching an hour long girlfriends my melancholy would absolve. Those 4 little ladies just do it for me. One of the positives about moving to NYC is that upn plays it twice daily. However, with the merging of channels, I doubt I will enjoy such luxuries after a while. Plus, today's episode was rescheduled (only for NY residents, apparently) until after ANTM on wednesday. Thats cool I suppose, a double whammy on wednesday..but what about today?I was really looking forward to it. I haven't smoked in a couple of days either. I came to an obvious, yet new conclusion. It's a lot easier to stop smoking when you simply can't afford it. My bank account is finally catching up to my life. I am a broke college student, after all. I have just enough $ to buy a metrocard & to buy lunch through the week. Those things aren't negotiable, cigarettes are. Now, of course I could buy fiddy cent loosies, but I find it's easier to last a whole day if I simply don't start in the morning. Three days so far, and luckily (sort of) I won't get paid until Friday. On the other hand, we got a problem Houston. If I don't have something sent to ma dukes prior to friday, she'll either pitch a bitch or cry. Either way I have to figure out some contingency plan just in case my father isn't cooperative. What ta do?

Sacrifice something sweet to the mother? I wonder how my creole relatives would feel about me actively studying voodoo. Who cares. It's extremely interesting
unlike whatever protestant secular thing they're into now days. seventh day adventist, apparently. My brother's mother is way into that shit. Sometimes I secretly judge my father.
Here's something I bet you didn't know. Me & Koku are directing a movie of our own. It's called, Roll Back Prices: My Life as a Wal-Mart shopper. Ok, maybe I made that title up..however I'm willing to bet it's something just as ridiculous. We both took footage of our road trip to Long Island & subsequent shopping. She's in the process of editing it. BET or TVone should give us shows. I'll be a black, female Andy Miliokanis any day. Anyway, ready for a trailer? Knowing Ko, when's it's editted & complete, it'll be funny something terrible.
I really enjoy eating kiwi's with skin but afterward my tounge burns. yikes.
ok, all's well the end's well. I feel a little better right about now.
I've went ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGG a couple of times & blocked all of the right people on AIM.
mark ass niggas.
lauren alyse belle at 7:13 PM