Wednesday, May 03, 2006

i wish he'd blogged

we had an agreement. i wouldn't blog until he did. he needs to be pushed to do these things, i on the other hand, need little more inspiration to write a blog than a camel & an idea. i'm proud. i have many ideas and dreams i'd like to see actualized, but i think i'm a little more moved than i may have conveyed that he's doing this. i love to see people working at something they're passionate about. i draw inspiration from it.
(and thank you afkap for bringing him some inspiration!)
i just hope he's safe.

but before i become the worrisome girlfriend, i'll digress.
since when did cincinnati become so gully? everytime i speak to my friends they're talking about how dangerous it is & thanks mr. t.i. with your wayne head looking ass for inciting the rebels. shoot out on the high way, alright. everyone has a theory about why it's getting so bad, but my own personal stance blames hip hop. something i hate to do but hey. i personally witnessed too many of my middle class, gifted, educated peers turning towards street life just for the sake of seeming real. like, i'm talking about half the boys i grew up with here. i'd see more and more of them on the corner as i came home from school through out the years. everyone wanna be ghetto but nobody wanna be poor..or something like that.

i love the "not about love" video. fiona's amazing. i wonder why it's not more popular, it's a dope concept..maybe the guy is too funny looking and old for the trl crowd. hell, maybe her audience is just more mature in general. perhaps i wouldn't have liked her at 12 if it weren't for the criminal video being decked with half naked white bitches. it always reminds me that i have terrible posture though.

i was always the tallest girl in class. the boys teased me and called me amazon, something i should have embraced but hey. now i'm paying for that shit with my curved spine and perpetual slouch. it actually hurts to sit up straight sometimes.

i'm real ready for school to be over. luckily, most of my papers and things were already due & i reckon the finals will be pretty easy. i'm not stressed necessarily, just ready to be free. too bad I may have to attend the glorified summer camp for honors students. i just can't win.

it's weird to speak openly with my parents about my formerly private love life. they seem a little bit too accepting of things. they're like whatever you're smart enough to figure things out, just finish your degree.

will do.

lauren alyse belle at 9:00 PM



at 3:38 PM Blogger Comb & Razor said...

well, he's safe. i just talked to him (i'm assuming you must have too, by this time)

i wish he'd blogged too... but i guess he will now.


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