Friday, May 05, 2006
embarrassing mispronounciations
1. Once upon a time in primary school I was picked to read aloud. The subject, Ancient Egypt. I was confronted with the reality of a new word. One I hadn't seen before, but seemed to be relatively easy to say. D-Y-N-A-S-T-Y. I don't remember the exact sentence, but I do remember the snicker of my teacher when I said something to the effect of, "The Die-Nasty lasted for x-amount of years. How was I supposed to know the dyn sound was connected.2. 8th grade, a few weeks before Twilight Ball. I was geeked to go to this jr. high dance, and estatic when I finally got my ticket. This one is perhaps a little more embarrasing, but so be it. I was a 13 year old loser who was forced to study the dead language*. I recall reading the ticket and asking my mother "What's a whores-devours." She looked pretty perplexed, she couldn't even begin to answer my ridiculous question. So, she looks at the ticket & responds "Fool! That says "hors d'oeuvre!" and she proceeded to call my father into the room so he could join her in making fun of me.
3. Speaking of Latin*, once upon a time I was on the bus with Dominic, the cute white boy flavor of the week, and we were reviewing latin vocabulary. I saw "foresee" and had one of those moments ( I know it's not just me) when a word you're familiar with just doesn't seem right. I starred at it for a moment and finally said, "What the hell does for-essy mean?". Needless to say, he judged me.
Wait, I feel really obligated to elaborate on this. There have been times when I wrote out something as simple as "people" & it just didn't seem right. I can't make sense of it.
4. Aside from my having to make a conscious effort NOT to pronounce the "u" in Antigua, I think thats about it.
And with that said, I just drunk some mango nectar & it went down the wrong chord. *cough* I'm *choking* out *gag*
(denis, blog.)
lauren alyse belle at 9:07 PM
- at 9:23 AM Comb & Razor said...
damn.... i *still* pronounce the "u" in "Antigua" myself! i feel so stupid when i do... but i generally feel pretty self-conscious about the way i pronounce a lot of words anyway (i'm great at spelling... pronouncing? not so much)
hell, even the Bongoman had to correct my pronunciation of an English word this morning!