Sunday, April 16, 2006
the opposite
in paris & italy i suffered from bowel movement performance anxietyhowever, something i ate gave me a stomach virus. i can't stop shitting.
actually, it's happening to a few of us.
last night my friends were denied from a club for being black & having dreads. i really don't even want to elaborate but i will say it so it's not lost in time. i am pissed & even more upset that everyone's warnings about austria were true. yes, they really are racist. what's funny is that the 2 white guys who accompanied and invited us out to the club were, as i found out later, south african. they were cool & didn't seem to have any racial baggage. who knew? they seemed genuinely cool like white kids who grew up in diverse communities in the same socioeconomic arena. but, then again, i aint REALLY talk to them mofos.
i guess i just had an ideal about the first white south africans i'd meet & all the blatant issues they'd have. thanks for proving me wrong, yt.
today we did a walking tour of salzburg. it's depressing that i dont even have anything to tak epictures of. it's not very impressive but i'm trying to enjoy it. theres a huge library so i've been reading.
black liberalism
black marxism
guns germs & steel
communism of latin america
they're what i'm reading now. once i get tired of that i'm re-reading nervous conditions. i already read temple of my familiar. it's still my favorite book.
the conversations about globalization, cultural sensitivity, diversity & american identity have been absolutely stimulating thus far. it's always interesting to hear stories of nyer's experiences in terms of those aforementioned topics because they're so one sided. during discussion i shared my little age old tale of how nobody'd asked me "what are you?", meaning where are you from, until i came to new york. so many shocked faces.
today one afrodominican came to terms with the fact that he's BLACK. nigga lookin like tar yet prefaced everything with "in DR we..." or "I'm dominican, so......." but he was just like fuck it, my black ass didn't get in the club just like you regnig's. it was interesting.
anyway, even though it's 6 pm EST, i'm dead ass tired & have to be up at 3am EST. yes i'm a american whore who can't adapt or think in anything euro. speaking of which, i've been successful in not spending very many.
good night & good luck.
lauren alyse belle at 3:26 PM