Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Ok, so I'm excited
And that is something to celebrate....since i'm usually so apathetic.I'm finally on spring break (so late, considering everyone else has been back in school) so I'm relieved that I can just chill out for once. Well, thats not entirely true because I still need to do a 20 page paper's rough draft and that'll be on my mind until I complete it. But yea,only 2 free days though, and then i'm headed to stay in a castle. Yes, a bonafide castle... I'd been putting off my google searches and web site perusal because I really didn't have time to care about austria until now. But damn, look at this view.

It's gorgeous and happens to be just outside the city. I think I may enjoy being there because it seems and looks as if I can relax and do simple things to myself. One thing i hated about italy was the lack of me time..everything was group oriented and planned. This conference has a lot of free time scheduled & me and sabrina are already on a mission to find some hash and chill. she's a cool girl. still calls me chou chou even though i told her i aint no damn cabbage! but i happen to fancy her presence a lot.
I finally sent my mother a picture of D. I dunno why I waited.. maybe because when i went to paris i lied & said he was 20 and he's really 23 (he'll be 24 in less than 1 hour) and i dunno, i played it off as i'm going to stay with a friend of a friend from school and i knew if she say him before i went she'd be like.. um, you love this nigga. Anyway, we had a conversation that went something like this:
He's cute! i approve, he's a fine one girl. my grandbabies will be cute, yea. ... wait... tell this man of yours to make enough money to send you home every now and then, i cant be coming to africa, i like american soil."
and i say, "well, meet me in paris, america is foar (mocking tione in belly's 'africa is foar')
to which she replied "didnt you hear me? i like american soil. ill see you and your little refugees on my own land"
um..who asked you all that mom? i really wish she'd leave the country. well shit we'd have to start with her leaving ohio first cause she barely does that. my dad's been everywhere and done everything, it's an interesting dynamic. i think she travels vicariously through me.
aww, i miss her.
for the first time ever, a woman tried to hook me up with her son today. i guess i'm coming into that age where old people wanna hook me up with nice young men they know. while waiting for the instructer of african dance, this woman takes me aside and asked if i was married to which i replied a blunt "yes". i really wasn't sure why she was asking but in order to avoid any uncomfortable conversation i said yes so she'd have nothing to work with. She says, "okay, well let me show you my son" and she does. it's a picture of the 2 of them. A grown ass 28 year old man and his mother in matching outfits cept her shirt was pink and his blue. Unfortunately, she was serious. She seems very underdeveloped. I think she must have been all of 12 when she had him. I wish I could scan that shit..it was fucking akward fam.
What's fucked up is that I have a 5 hour break between classes & i decided to wait today and when 5:30 finally came around i realized class was canceled. I also started my period today so i was on a mission to get tylenol & tampons when i could have been home chillaxin. PISSED.
but i made me a mango orange peach smoothie tonight. that shit was piff.
now, here's the quote of the evening brought to you by my favorite muslim.
Sufisabur: U BRAVE
lauren alyse belle at 7:02 PM