Monday, April 10, 2006
i wish i had synaesthesia
i think it would give me that extra umph. make me a bit more interesting...or hungryi don't have a good eye for art anymore. I need to take a photography class cause I really enjoyed that during high school but now days i aint doin shit but scribbling. hmm.. i still love this picture,

I do tend to associate names with shapes but these synaethesiest are crazy! associating numbers with colors and so forth. I have the envy. Now that I think about it I do have tendencies, like this is how i see numbers 123456789. most of my life dreams are in green and blue. they're also my favorite colors.
I'm driving myself a little crazy by not changing the channel. Since i lost the remote (4 months ago) the tv is stuck on UPN. Nothing but girlfriends,bernie mac and king of queens repeats. I need some substenance! Netflix.......send a sister her shit!
My mom likes matsiahu, that jewish rapping fool. I bet he lives around here some where. She called me to tell me about him like it was something new.
I'm slowly but surely watching M play herself via myspace. Luge confirmed my suspicions,we think i fucked her up. She been lookin a hot ass mess since i fired her. Like, the bitch doesn't even wear lip gloss. It's rather awful if you ask me.
enough for today. i just had to block a fag over some bullshit..i cant even think straight.
lauren alyse belle at 7:56 PM