Thursday, April 13, 2006
i stole this from postsecret

i packed all of my stuff into a medium carry-on bag. I feel rather accomplished because i told myself i'd make this trip my experiment on efficient light packing for my nomadic future. things are really starting to look up on that end. once i figure out what i'm going to do with myself in pointe-noire or ghana or tanzania (lol) i'll feel a little bit better. i'm glad it's all out in the open & i can discuss plans with my parents so that they'll warm up to the idea of me moving to the other side of the world. they've got a while though. in july he'll meet the parents. i don't think anything i say will express how loopy my father is so i dunno, i'm apprehensive. but who cares, i'm glad we're going to ohio. perhaps it'll make some aspects of who lboogie is more clear.
i feel really drained right now because of arguing about dumb shit. luge called me the hulk. in a way he's right.. cause my reaction is always like calm>cool>mad>angry>mean as hell>over it
it comes out of no where sometimes but quite frankly i just dont even care enough to have regards for anyones feelings once im truly pissed off. then after i say whatever im feeling no retort or apologies, whatever, will phase me. once i get whatever off my chest i really could care less about what you gotta say cause i be over it mad quick. i dont hold on to anything.
i hope i have the net over there.
i need some batteries for my digi cam
lauren alyse belle at 9:38 PM