Tuesday, January 11, 2005


oh yea.
i do need to quit smoking.
i have a lump in my breast thats really sensitive and shit. aww man, im still laughing because na told me megan said her boobs are so big that they jiggle no matter what. she got on birth control and became president of the not so little tittie commitee. loser. they'll inflate as soon as shes off it.
but yea, last night i smoked the last newport in the pack. i dont even know how i managed to pick up the habit again. i smoked in the 7th grade hardcore with my cousin aly and my friend amandas help. since then cigarettes were an occasional thing, blacks more regular, cloves occasionally. ive got to stop though. infact, im done cold turkey.
*shakes violently*
im cold.

sike naw, im cool for now but i'll feel it tonight.
i didnt make any nye resolutions.
ill make them today, 11 days late because im lazy.

1.no smoking
2.better diet--less sweets
3.an exercise plan
4.more documentation of thoughts, be it writting,art,screaming, whatever
5.being more serious about school

i'll leave those options open.
i really need to change my diet though. lately i've been waking up and eating a peice of fruit, drowning 2 concertas with cranberry juice, eating 3 cookies and calling it a day.
then i get home and eat some bullshit, a balanced meal because my mom cooks..but followed by ice cream and shit.
i also need to find a vitamin since i dont eat anything with calcium,iron or good bacteria. i keep getting yeast infections because of it. well, not keep..but lol i've had 2 since june.

im feeling better today

lauren alyse belle at 6:42 AM



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